The Speaks Family

The Speaks Family
July 2011

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Mixed Emotions

Today has been filled with so many different emotions. As I went to sleep last night I put Gavin in his own room in his crib for the first time. I cannot believe he will be 2 months old tomorrow. He is growing too quickly. I was hoping to wake to the news that our friends Tim and Consuela had delivered their baby boy. Instead I woke up to news that another couple we know had delivered their little girl at 37 weeks still born.

My heart is so broken for them, I cannot imagine what they are feeling. Several families in our church have also been affected by similar situations and it's just so hard to understand. I know that there is no "reason" and that we can ask "why", but there isn't really an answer. Even for someone who is standing on the outside like me though, it is so tragic. An event like this can only make you stronger. Its hard to feel blessed for the precious children in my life when others around me are mourning the loss of a child they will never know.

On a happier note, Consuela did deliver a healthy baby boy today! I am so happy for them and cannot wait to hold him. I'm kinda glad I'm not going to see them till tomorrow as I'm not sure I could handle it today.