The Speaks Family

The Speaks Family
July 2011

Thursday, March 31, 2011

My Addy Boo

Monday evening when the girls went to bed Matt was at basketball. They didn't go to sleep right away, as always. Around 9pm I heard a loud thump and quickly ran to their room as I knew someone had been injured. When I entered the room Addy was on Eden's bed crying holding her head. She had been standing on Eden's bed, trying to turn on the lamp and somehow fell, hitting her head on the end of the wooden bed frame. I checked her head for bumps and found nothing, even moved her hair around a little to make sure she was not bleeding.

I checked on her several more times just to be sure she was ok. Later when Matt got home and we were headed to bed we went in to check on her again. This time I found a huge lump on the back of her head. When I had Matt feel it he noticed it was bleeding. We ran her into the bathroom and cleaned it up so we could see how bad it was. The cut was about 4/10" long and gaping open due to the knot. We decided that taking her to the ER was our best bet to see if she needed stitches.

When we arrived at the ER the doctor came right out and checked on her before we even checked in. He said that if we kept it clean that it should not get infected and there was no reason to put her through the trauma of stitches or staples. Since she was acting normal and didn't loose consciousness they didn't see any reason for a Cat Scan.

Tuesday all day she acted a little under the weather, but since she was not vomiting there was no cause or concern. She complained her head hurt (I know mine would too), so we gave her tylenol. When she woke up from nap Tuesday she threw up, but just once. At dinner time we had pizza and she didn't want to eat because she didn't feel well. I just assumed that she was really just not feeling well. Wednesday when I woke her up I found that she had thrown up again sometime in the night. I called her pediatrician right away to see if she could get an appointment. They said we needed t take her straight to the ER because she needed a head scan.

I took her reluctantly, because I didn't think that her vomiting 2x in an 8 hour period was really a sign of a concussion. Matt was working at the ER anyway so I called and let him know we were on the way. The doctor was wonderful and didn't even question per pediatricians motives. He treated her just like there was really a serious issue and ordered a CT scan right away. After several hours of waiting and several phone calls to Indy, he came back in. He stated that there were some abnormalities on her scan and that it appeared that she had mastoiditis and a baseline scull fracture. Because he also saw clear fluid in her ear he said he had reason to believe that the fracture was a huge possibility and that she could have fluid leaking which can cause even the least severe cold to turn into Meningitis which is very deadly.

After speaking with pediatric neurosurgeon's at both Peyton Manning's Childrens's Hospital and Riley Hospital for Children he decided to transfer us to Riley to be seen there by some people who were a  little more qualified and skilled in this area. They called an ambulance to transport us and I ran home to grab some overnight essentials not really knowing how long we would be gone. At this point I was still pretty numb not really knowing what to expect. When we left the hospital Addy was a little tired , but alert and talking. She fell asleep on the way and slept for about 20 minutes.

When we arrived at Riley I was completely overwhelmed. I had never been there before and was not sure what to expect.  I followed the Medics as they wheeled Addy into her room where a team of over 8 people was waiting for us. Doctors, nurses, social services, councelors, a chaplain etc. flooded the room. She was hooked up to monitors and checked over from head to toe. I feel like I answered 30 questions in 5 minutes, but I they did it a way that was not stressful and allowed me to still be with Addy. Matt was not there yet as he had to get off work and then follow us there.

As the room cleared out I heard her nurse say she had tachycardia. I texted Matt because I didn't really know what that meant. As I started to watch her vitals on the monitor. Her blood pressure was 93/38 which is way too low and her heart rate was running between 130-140 bpm. Addy was completely lethargic. They gave her 3 bags of saline to try and get her hydrated and get her stabilized. By this time Matt had arrived and she was almost completely out of it. She just laid there, eyes sometimes rolling back in her head. She couldn't even hold my hand. She would barely answer us or the doctors and by this time we had found out that her blood sugar was only 44. Had it gotten any lower the possibility of a stroke was almost inevitable.  When I looked over and saw Matt sobbing with his head buried in his hands, I knew it was getting really bad.

The radiologist, neurosurgeons, on call doctors, pediatric specialists and residents all reviewed her Cat Scan and found no fracture. Their main concern was the area that the Lafayette doctor had thought the fracture had been in. It was filled with fluid that they determined was from the mastoiditis, a double ear infection and a sinus infection (non of which she had symptoms of prior to that day). They were still completely baffled at why she took such a drastic turn for the worse in such a short period of time. 

After speaking to several Neurosurgeons and them doing evaluations, they determined that her symptoms were not neurological and they could not help her and referred us to an Ear Nose and Throat Doc. They quickly decided that it was very possible with the severity of her symptoms that she would have meningitis. They started her on antibiotics. The only way to be sure if she had it or not is a lumar puncture. By this time her sugar was stable and they began to go through the process of preparing us for the procedure. 

We went ahead with the procedure feeling very helpless. Matt having a medical back round was fully aware of what was going on and the severity of it. I was content to be oblivious. The less I knew, the less I had to worry about. I just sat there and held her hand so she would know I was there. The blood tests all came back normal as did the lumbar puncture. We were told we'd be admitted to a room for observation and to make sure Addy's vitals stayed stable and she did not go into tachycardia again or get low blood sugar. 

We were finally taken to a room about 1am Thursday morning. Addy had been sleeping soundly since about 9pm as she was not only exhausted, but drowsy from the meds they gave her to do the lumbar procedure. We went to sleep not really knowing what her condition was, if she was getting any better or what to expect in the morning. 

When she woke up in the morning she was fine. Her eyes were red and puffy from all the fluids, but she was thirsty and hungry and perfectly herself. Her vitals checked out. After eating breakfast and being seen by the team of hospitalists she was taken off the fluids and monitors to see how she would do. They still had no explanation as to why she got dehydrated so badly, so quickly. It had nothing to do with the fall, but had we not gone into the ER because of the fall, where would we be. 

I am so thankful that God guided the hands of every person who touched her and gave me peace throughout the whole thing. He truely touched her. I don't know if she ever had a fracture, but if she did-GOD HEALED HER. I don't know why she got so dehydrated for no apparent reason, but GOD HAD HIS HAND ON HER and she is blessed and highly favored. She was so close to death lying there with her little heart fighting to keep up with her struggling body and came through it. She woke up hours later like nothing had ever happened, completely healed of any abnormalities or sickness. PRAISE GOD!!!!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Mommy Time

Last night after a long day of activities I found myself with a terrible headache. My first thought was, "I've gotta finish painting the hallway. Really??? I stopped myself and realized how little I do for myself. And why does guilt for time spent on yourself come so easily when you're a mom?

A couple weeks ago I was invited to Spajama Party. Even though I did not know the girl who was hosting it very well, I decided I was going to go anyway. BEST decision I could have made. I was there for at least 2 hours. Shared in wonderful relaxing spa treatments, girl talk, mommy talk and learned a little more about some amazing ladies in my church. I ordered a Detoxifying Bath Soak (a little pricy for me) and told myself that once a week I would take out time for myself (even if it's the only thing for myself I do) and spend time soaking in the bathtub not worrying about anything.

In just a few short months, I will go from a mother of two, to a mother of three. I will be exhausted, because I know I have forgotten what getting up 3 times a night feels like. I will be grouchy and worn down and pulled in 12 different directions. The only thing I need to remember though is to take time for myself. A nap, coffee with a friend, watching a show I love, prayer and devotions...MOMMY TIME.

I will not feel guilty about taking time away from children to take a 30 minute bath. The girls will not actually kill each other, although it may sound that way. My husband can make a meal, even if he thinks he can't, the baby can lay in his crib or swing without being cuddled. I encourage all moms to remember to take time out for you. Even as little as 30 minutes can change your outlook on the day and your mood.