The Speaks Family

The Speaks Family
July 2011

Saturday, December 31, 2011


As sit here typing I am drinking my last cup of coffee from my NEW Keurig for a while. Matt and I will be starting the Daniel fast tomorrow, which I will talk about a little more later. I look back on 2011 and begin to reflect on the kind of year that it was I realize that I have so much to be thankful for. I never forgot, but sometimes it's nice to be reminded.

2011 brought us several circumstances to us that were out of our control. We could have easily taken the opportunity at those moments to question our faith and even walk away from God.
Adaleigh fell and hit her head back in the earlier part of the year. After a trip to the local ER she was rushed to Riley Children's Hospital with a suspected brain injury and possible meningitis. After a very long night, lots of tests and some scary vitals she woke up the next morning a little swollen from all the fluids, but completely fine! We were so thankful. The Doctors really had no explanation and she was released. Praise God!
In April after a routine ultrasound we were sent down to a high risk specialist to have a more in depth ultrasound done, because there was something on Gavin's heart. After visiting the specialist it was determined that Gavin had a small hole in his heart. This is something that can be treated with meds after delivery or can close up on it's own after delivery. In a few cases it does require surgery. All we could do was pray, but I never got anxious about it. God gave me a peace I cannot even begin to describe.

In May I ended up in taking several trips to the hospital with severe abdominal and back pain. It was finally determined that I one of my kidneys was almost completely blocked. The condition called Hydronephrosis is many times brought on by pregnancy. I was told that I would likely be in pain until I delivered Gavin and that there was not much they could do. After about a week the pain subsided and soon I was pain free. Praise the Lord for another healing.

In the fall we saw our good friends Will and Sabrina loose their little girl Ashtyn. She was their 4th child. Our hearts were completely broken for them.

In late October Eden started getting sick. It was kind of weird, she didn't have a fever and wasn't throwing up, but looked as if she'd had the flu for weeks and didn't want to do anything. Over the course of the weekend she got increasingly worse. Monday morning Matt took her to the doctor and we were told there was nothing wrong with her. By that afternoon she became more and more sedentary. She just stared at the wall and wouldn't even answer us. We checked her blood sugar thinking she had classic signs of a low and it was 356! Normal for her age is 80-120. We rushed her to the ER and by the time they checked it again her sugar was almost 500. They determined she was in Ketoacidosis. She had lost 6lbs in 3 weeks. Her body had no insulin to keep it going and had begun to feed on her fat. They transfered her to Peyton Manning's Childrens Hospital where she could get care from the best endocrinologist. We found out that she had Type 1 diabetes and would be insulin dependent for life. After several days in the hospital we were released with tons of info and supplies.

2011 also brought us TONS of great things.

My brother joined the Army!

We saw like 20 babies born at our church! I got to be pregnant with my good friends Bethany and Charity. They both gave birth to handsome baby boys!
Jackson Freeman

Caden Ramlal

On July 25th I was induced 9 days after my due date. 
Matt finally got his boy!!!! Gavin Nathaniel Speaks he was perfect. No hole in his heart!!!!! Completely healed. 8lbs 14oz and 21" long.

Adaleigh holding her baby brother for the first time!
Eden holding her baby brother for the first time!
He looks just liked just like Eden!!!!!

Bethany and baby Jackson came to see us!

Me holding Gavin and Charity holding Caden

Several other notable births include Anale born to Becky and Sanford, Brock and Lynlee born to Jesse and Destiny, Charlie born to Consuela and Tim, Judah born to Ricky and Brooke, Keegin born to Todd and Tami, Benjamin born to Adam and Sarah AND FINALLY Ella born to Jessica and Stormy (Yesterday). LOTS of precious little ones!!! I feel like I forgot someone so if I did I am so sorry. 

My cousin Rochelle got married and Eden got to be the flower girl! It was a HOT day, but the wedding was beautiful!

Eden played Soccer and T-Ball this year for the first time.

Matt and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. 

I headed up the public relations and advertising for First Assembly's annual Independence Day Celebration which went off without a hitch. 

I turned 25!

Adaleigh started preschool and loves her teacher Mrs. Wilson

Eden continued preschool in K4 and loves her teacher Mrs. Jones

I got the honor of coordinating the wedding day of Jamey and Monica Young. 

My friend Nicole got married.

Matt started working full time out at Clinton County EMS on the ambulance and LOVES it.  

I planned and coordinated First Assembly's first Christmas Craft Show. It went so well and I hope to plan another one next year. 

Eden's diabetes is under control and she is checking her own blood sugar and taking her own shots. 

Another thing I got to do this year was start attending Life Groups. I am so glad that Matt and I decided to do this. It allowed us to get to know the incredible Hair and Young Families a lot better in the Daddy Doughnut and Mommy Muffins Group.  I was also a part of the First AG Mom's Playgroup life group and had the pleasure of co-leading it in the fall with Consuela. I met and got to know several moms that I may not have if I had not been part of the group.

God opened so many doors for me this year. I have spoken to people that I never would have spoken to and done things I never would have done if not for the help and prompting of the holy spirit. He blessed my business beyond measure. My overall sales in 2011 were triple what they were in 2010. 

I am so looking forward to 2012. I am excited about where my family, my business and my life are headed. I can't wait for all the NEW things God has for us. I am keeping my mind open. 

Back to the Daniel Fast. Matt and I decided to start the year 2012 with a Daniel fast. To be honest I was not looking forward to it at first. However as I have thought and prayed about it cannot wait to begin. I want to start the year with a detox and this is the perfect way to do it. I have never fasted longer than a week, and although I will be eating, not eating the "normal" things in my diet will be a huge challenge, but I am up for it. I believe for the church fast I will be fasting FB! Here is my life Lord, do what you will with me in 2012. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Who is Christmas About Again?

Christmas brings so many mixed emotions for me. I absolutely enjoy almost every aspect of it. I used to despise my mom for "hating" on Santa. As children my siblings and I were never told that Santa brought the presents nor that he was real. It was in fact quite the opposite. I was not allowed to sit on Santa's lap or even color pictures of him. We were not allowed to write him letters or leave him milk and cookies. Throughout my childhood I thought it was absurd.

When I first became a parent, I convinced myself that allowing my kids to do things like "believe" in Santa and celebrate him as a part of Christmas was ok as long as I didn't tell them, "Santa brought the gifts". I have gotten so frustrated this year about the whole thing. The more time goes on and the less of a big deal I make of it, the more of a big deal the world makes of it. "Santa" is taking over the Christmas scene! He is stealing the spotlight from the one person who is the reason we actually celebrate. People who are not Christians, if asked, will tell you that we celebrate Christmas because Jesus was born (even if that's not why they themselves celebrate). People dance around this topic like they are on eggshells, it's almost as bad as the abortion debate. "Don't mess with Santa".

I am so sick and tired of hearing my kids sing, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". NO HE'S NOT!!!! Please know that I completely understand that it is innocent coming from them, but I still don't like it. I don't buy Santa wrapping paper or any decorations with Santa on them. I can't in good conscience tell them a story about a man that doesn't exist only to have them be angry with me later for lying to them.

Why not instead tell them of the real man that Christmas is about? Jesus. A little baby who came to save the people of the world from their sins. A man who loved without reservation and saw so much more in people than they ever saw in themselves. Jesus who today still loves without reservation and sees so much more in me than I ever saw in myself. The one who said, "Let the little children come to me", when everyone else was pushing them away.

I want my children to know the Jesus that gives love and life and healing! When was the last time you heard a story about Santa leaving food on the doorstep of a family who didn't know where their next meal was coming from? God does things like that every day and uses servants like you and I to show his grace and mercy to people who are on their last drop of hope.

Where is the line at the mall to have your picture taken with baby Jesus? I wonder given the choice and the two were side by side at the mall (Baby Jesus and Santa) how many people would still get their picture taken with Santa. We idolize a man "who does something nice for children once a year". What about the one who gives us LIFE 365 days a year? What about the one who gives JOY unspeakable. I choose Jesus!