Christmas brings so many mixed emotions for me. I absolutely enjoy almost every aspect of it. I used to despise my mom for "hating" on Santa. As children my siblings and I were never told that Santa brought the presents nor that he was real. It was in fact quite the opposite. I was not allowed to sit on Santa's lap or even color pictures of him. We were not allowed to write him letters or leave him milk and cookies. Throughout my childhood I thought it was absurd.
When I first became a parent, I convinced myself that allowing my kids to do things like "believe" in Santa and celebrate him as a part of Christmas was ok as long as I didn't tell them, "Santa brought the gifts". I have gotten so frustrated this year about the whole thing. The more time goes on and the less of a big deal I make of it, the more of a big deal the world makes of it. "Santa" is taking over the Christmas scene! He is stealing the spotlight from the one person who is the reason we actually celebrate. People who are not Christians, if asked, will tell you that we celebrate Christmas because Jesus was born (even if that's not why they themselves celebrate). People dance around this topic like they are on eggshells, it's almost as bad as the abortion debate. "Don't mess with Santa".
I am so sick and tired of hearing my kids sing, "Santa Claus is Coming to Town". NO HE'S NOT!!!! Please know that I completely understand that it is innocent coming from them, but I still don't like it. I don't buy Santa wrapping paper or any decorations with Santa on them. I can't in good conscience tell them a story about a man that doesn't exist only to have them be angry with me later for lying to them.
Why not instead tell them of the real man that Christmas is about? Jesus. A little baby who came to save the people of the world from their sins. A man who loved without reservation and saw so much more in people than they ever saw in themselves. Jesus who today still loves without reservation and sees so much more in me than I ever saw in myself. The one who said, "Let the little children come to me", when everyone else was pushing them away.
I want my children to know the Jesus that gives love and life and healing! When was the last time you heard a story about Santa leaving food on the doorstep of a family who didn't know where their next meal was coming from? God does things like that every day and uses servants like you and I to show his grace and mercy to people who are on their last drop of hope.
Where is the line at the mall to have your picture taken with baby Jesus? I wonder given the choice and the two were side by side at the mall (Baby Jesus and Santa) how many people would still get their picture taken with Santa. We idolize a man "who does something nice for children once a year". What about the one who gives us LIFE 365 days a year? What about the one who gives JOY unspeakable. I choose Jesus!
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