The Speaks Family

The Speaks Family
July 2011

Monday, December 27, 2010

A New Addition on the Way

I remember precisely the day when I first knew I was pregnant. Mom and Dad took my husband, the girls and I out to Olive Garden. Nothing on the menu sounded good. Odd I know, I mean it's Olive Garden folks!! Then the moment I just "knew" was when a server walked by with a tray of plates for another table and I was overwhelmed with nausea. The smell of the food ruined my appetite for my lunch completely. Smells don't generally make me nauseous. As a former CNA and a mom, I've smelled it all.

I am so excited and anxious about the impending arrival of our 3rd child. July seems so far away, yet I know it will be here before I know it. Our lives will change once again. I will go from being a mom of 2 to a mom of 3 and try to juggle them all. I know there will be days when I want to pull all my hair out, as I sometimes want to do now; however the moments of love, smiles, cuteness and snuggling make up for those times many times over.  I cannot wait.

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